Have you ever known a time in your life where you just felt really down, negative thoughts are zooming through your mind left and right, and nothing you do makes you feel any better?
Oh good! I’m not alone.
I was going through one of those times a couple months ago whilst fussing about creating a successful online business as a life coach. I felt so unclear, insecure and doubtful at my capabilities to succeed, and honestly, the entire situation just had me feeling so low.
So in an effort to combat those awful feelings that wanted to overwhelm me, I decided to read one of the most infamous books in the world to see if it would do anything to kick me out of my funk.
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That book was “The Secret”.
Written by Rhonda Byrne, “The Secret” is one of the best law of attraction / manifestation books ever written and obsessed over by millions around the world. Many attest reading “The Secret” to being the reason why they were able to attract their soul mates into their lives, why they attracted wealth and abundance into their lives, how they healed themselves from ill health, and even how they achieved their dream jobs and lifestyles.
Needless to say, this book has raving fans.
I thought, “let’s see if I can be one of them”; and boy was I in for an unexpected yet pleasant surprise.
The book did more than get me out of the funk I was in. It put me on the trajectory to finally going after my dream career, and being mindful of the thoughts going through my head as I went after my goals.
Here are the top 10 takeaways I received from “The Secret” which shifted my mindset and revolutionised my thought processes.
Through this book I was made to believe that everything I wanted to do, be and have were within my grasp.
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1. Thoughts Become Things
Exactly what we think about will manifest itself into our reality at some point in time. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting into your life, either consciously or unconsciously.
This was a huge eye-opener for me because I’m an awesome over-thinker who obsesses over things that I’m afraid will happen. As a result, the very things I over-think about and obsess over with fearful thoughts are exactly what come to pass in my reality eventually.
So, learning about how powerful my thoughts are in determining my reality, I understood that if I wanted to attract wealth, abundance, happiness, love, and other positive experiences into my life, I had to begin thinking thoughts that predominantly reflected what I wanted in my life.
To attract wealth, abundance, happiness and love, I had to think those thoughts exclusively, and refrain from allowing negative, contradictory thoughts to creep into my mind.
2. Like Attracts Like
Humans are the most powerful magnets in the world. We magnetically attract people and life experiences to us based on what we are feeding our mind.
Thus, I learned that as you think a thought, you naturally begin attracting like thoughts to you as well. For example, happy thoughts will attract more happy thoughts, and as a result you’ll naturally feel happier. The opposite is also true.
I understood that if I think in a certain way that does not benefit me or make me feel good, I am by default attracting more thoughts that will not make me feel any better about my life or my situation. And I hated that realization.
To improve my life and get myself out of my funk, I realized that I needed to first change my thoughts. Focus on the good, not the bad.
I needed to think the type of thoughts that would bring into my life more thoughts of what I wanted, and eventually help me change my situation.
More thoughts of abundance will attract more like thoughts of abundance – that’s what I believed.
So that’s what I implemented.
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3. Mindset is Everything
This was a big one for me! I don’t always go into experiences or events with the right mindset or perspective.
I’d faster see things from a negative point of view before I re-channel my thoughts to see a positive alternative.
My mindset was holding me back from the success I desired.
How I saw things was only hurting me, not helping me – both mentally and in its manifestations in my physical reality.
In this book, I was reminded that the way I see things in my life greatly influence what I experience.
Thus, I had to shift my mindset. I had to see things differently. I had to see things through rose-coloured glasses instead of blue. Especially if I did not want to manifest the thoughts I had in my mind.
I learned that I had to erase my thoughts of defeat so that I can focus primarily on thoughts of victory.
“Decide what you want to be, do, and have, think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life”
The Secret
4. Focus on Feeling Good
Feelings and emotions are key to creating the life of your desires.
How you feel affects what you think and therefore influences the experiences you bring into your life.
So we must focus on feeling good.
This emphasis on feeling good was an eye-opener for me as well, especially since we currently live in a world filled with people who don’t feel good at all. Depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues are plaguing millions around the world. Maybe you are one of them.
I learned that feeling good includes letting go of your past, enjoying your life, surrounding yourself with the people, animals and nature that you love, and doing things that put a smile on your face.
So this is what I did to avoid my own experience of sadness and depression. I noticed when I was feeling bad or thinking bad thoughts; shifted my mindset to focus on healthier thoughts; actively did activities that made me feel good; and almost instantly my emotions changed as well.
Feeling good is all we ever want anyway. No one actually wants to feel bad.
READ MORE: How To Get Over Your Ex & Move On Using These 5 Mind-Blowing Law Of Attraction Techniques
5. Ask. Believe. Receive
Receiving what you want from the Universe is easy.
All you have to do is:
1. Ask for what you want (make a clear command to the Universe about what you want)
2. Believe that you’ll receive what you’re asking for (know that what you want is yours the moment you ask)
3. Receive your desires (on the frequency of receiving, all you have to do is continue to feel good)
For me, the key is to believe.
If we’re doubtful about actually attracting into our lives what we want, we block the energetic flow that wants to bring us our desires.
This was a big one for me as well because I sometimes am afraid to believe that I’ll receive what I want because I rather have low expectations and therefore avoid true disappoint if I believe for something and don’t get it.
6. The Universe is Abundant
There’s more than enough good to go around for all of us.
There’s more than enough room for all of us to achieve wealth, happiness, love, abundance, success, and whatever else we want out of life.
There is no such thing as lack.
Our abilities to think and expand our minds are unlimited, therefore, the things that we can think into existence is unlimited.
Think about the greatest inventors, philosophers and entrepreneurs of our time – Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Oprah etc…these individuals I admire because they all had visions that were “outside the box” but they never allowed the limited thoughts of others to hold them back from bringing into reality what they saw in their minds.
Thus, refuse to allow a single thought of limitation to enter your mind.
This was my biggest takeaway.
There’s room for all of us dreamers and doers in this world.
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7. We are the Creators of Our Destiny
We are in full control over the vision we have for ourselves.
Whether we succeed or fail in attracting our desires into our lives, we are fully responsible for it.
Why? Because we are the masters over our lives. We make choices and decisions every day that either lead us to what we want or away from what we want.
There is honestly no one else to blame but ourselves if we make choices that are self-defeating.
Thus, we must take responsibility for the lives we’ve created for ourselves thus far and let go of the thoughts that led us astray from what we really want.
To be the creators of a destiny we’re proud of, we must think new thoughts of what we want, feel them with emotions that make us feel good, and be grateful that what we’ve asked for is already done and on its way to us.
It’s as simple and as difficult as that.
Over To You
Overall, The Secret really forced me to scrutinize my thoughts, my mindset and my emotions in greater detail. It was the kick in the butt that I needed to help me change my thoughts, my speech and my feelings toward creating my own business.
I highly recommend reading this book, especially if you’ve never read it and even if you’ve already read it.
For us all to become the best versions of ourselves and live our greatest lives, this book is a bookshelf-must.